Ewhurst CE Infant School is rated as a “Good” School at our most recent SIAMs inspection, we received an exceptionally complimentary report as a Church school. We maintain that this is due, in no small part, to the dedication and expertise of the teachers, staff and governors at the school, our close links with the Parish Church, the generosity of parents, both former and present, and our local community.
However, you will know that school funding has been a focus in the press over recent years as it is under constant review and ever-increasing pressure. All schools now rely on fundraising and local community support to maintain the levels of expertise, facilities and equipment from which all of our children deserve to benefit.
As individuals, families and businesses who are part of our community, there are a number of ways that you can support our village school:
May we take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your support in our efforts to continue to provide an excellent education for our pupils both today and in the future.