Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

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The Street, Ewhurst,


01483 277291

Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

  1. Learning and Classes
  2. Forest School

Forest Schools

Forest Schools promotes learning by exploring the natural world, instilling confidence and self-esteem, developing communication skills and physical expertise, and allowing children to learn at their own pace.  It allows children to assess and take manageable risks in a natural environment, and to learn how to keep themselves safe.

Following staff training, the Forest Schools philosophy has been incorporated into the curriculum for all three year groups with great success.  The children from Apple Class (Reception) are exploring our Jubilee Garden on a regular basis, giving them a hands-on connection with nature, and expanding their curiosity in ways that a traditional classroom would not - for example, they have been learning how to make a fire (in a controlled environment), and have enjoyed playing in their mud kitchen.  Children from Holly class (Year 1) also use our Jubilee Garden for their Forest School sessions, with the local Community Education Manager from Sayers Croft, our local outdoor education centre.  Cherry Class (Year 2) visit Sayers Croft itself for their Forest Schools activities, which have included raft-building, making hot chocolate after building the fire, making leaf crowns and natural sculptures, and blindfold activities.