Equality Objectives Statement
Ewhurst CE Infant School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for pupils, staff, and all those receiving services from the school. We will actively promote equality and foster positive attitudes and commitment to an education for all. To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:-
- To ensure each child’s particular needs are catered for
- To develop the potential of all children
- To ensure that opportunities for learning are open to all
- To provide extra-curricular activities accessible to all
- To maintain high expectations of all children
- To actively promote an appreciation of disabilities especially, but not exclusively, those reflected in the school population
- To actively discourage any form of harassment
- To allow equal access to information for all parents
- To ensure the school premises is as accessible as possible to all pupils, staff and visitors
Ewhurst CE Infant School aims to provide equality and excellence for all and the highest possible standards in order to –
- promote a culture of respect for others
- recognise and celebrate differences between people
- develop a community where pupils are well prepared for life
These objectives are reflected in our Equality Policy, Single Equality Plan and Accessibility Plan, as well as other school policies related to teaching and learning.